Unable to assign telephone extension number to Teams user with Set-CSOnlineVoiceUser

Those of you that are familiar with using theย Set-CsOnlineVoiceUserย cmdlet to set users telephone numbers in Teams may run into the following issue if you’re trying to assign an extension number to a user:


Set-CsOnlineVoiceUser -identity craig@chiffers.com -telephonenumber “tel:+61281234567;ext=5110”

set-csonlinevoiceuser : The input of parameter “tel:+61281234567;ext=5110” is not in a valid format. Please provide an input
with an acceptable format <tel:>+[number]”, e.g. tel:+18005551234 or +14251234567.
At line:1 char:1
+ set-csonlinevoiceuser -Identity craig@chiffers.com -TelephoneNumber ” …
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ CategoryInfo : NotSpecified: (:) [Set-CsOnlineVoiceUser], BvdCmdletException
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : TelephoneNumberInvalidFormat,Microsoft.Rtc.Management.Hosted.Bvd.SetVoiceUserCmdlet


The reason for this is that theย Set-CsOnlineVoiceUserย cmdlet is being deprecated, and will be replaced with a new cmdlet (that’s currently in preview):


Using this new cmdlet, you can assign phone numbers along with extensions to your voice users, regardless of if they’re direct routing, operator connect or a Microsoft Calling Plan.

Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment -Identity craig@chiffers.com -PhoneNumber “+61281234567;ext=5110” -PhoneNumberType directrouting

Microsoft have published further details on the new cmdlet here: Set-CsPhoneNumberAssignment (MicrosoftTeamsPowerShell) | Microsoft Docs

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1 year ago

Hi Craig

in your example you have given the user (craig@chiffers.com) โ€œtel:+61281234567;ext=5110โ€

so the ext number differs from the DID number

when I dial 5110 from my Teams client (same O365 lets say) does Teams do a RNL and resolve it to craig@chiffers.com and make the call?

I have customer who wants to do something similar, but I cant see how it would work – I am testing something similar in my test tenancy – but Teams just drops the call