Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 4 – Autopilot

Welcome to part 4 of managing Microsoft Teams room devices within Intune.

A shoutout to my colleague and good friend Steven Hosking (@OnPremCloudGuy) for his help with Autopilot below!

Be sure to check out the series of posts:

Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 1 – Theme
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 2 – Updates
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 3 – Configuration Profiles
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 4 – Autopilot


What is Autopilot?

Windows Autopilot is a way of automating the OOBE (Out of Box Experience) when setting up a new Windows device. Without autopilot, you’d typically need to enter the language, keyboard input, user account details, Azure AD Join, Networking and Wi-Fi details and more. Autopilot can automate all these steps so that all you need to do is power on the device, and allow it to sign in.


Is Autopilot supported today with MTRs?

In short, no Autopilot is not officially supported by Microsoft for MTRs yet. However, based on my testing, autopilot does work for MTRs.


What can I configure on an MTR with Autopilot?

You can automate the following (and more!):

  • Language and keyboard settings
  • Azure AD Join
  • Device naming (including automatically naming the device based on its serial number, or a random string of numbers)
  • Networking and Wi-Fi details (no authenticated proxies though – MTRs do not support authenticated proxy servers).
  • Any setup PowerShell scripts/configuration profiles including device wallpaper, Bitlocker requirements etc.


What doesn’t currently work with Autopilot on an MTR?

Today, you can’t configure the login username and password for the room inside the Teams room app on the MTR. This would still need to be manually entered by the MTR installer.


Configuring Autopilot Profile

Let’s go ahead and set Autopilot up for our MTR.

  1. Login to the Intune portal at
  2. Go to Devices > Windows > Windows Enrollment > Deployment Profiles
  3. Click Create Profile > Windows PC

  4. Give your profile a name, and be sure to select Yes under Convert all targeted devices to Autopilot

  5. Under Out of box experience (OOBE), select the following:

    Under Enter a name, you can use the %SERIAL% macro to add the device serial number to the computer name, or %RAND:5% to add 5 random numbers to the computer name. In my example, i’ve added MTR-%SERIAL% meaning my MTR device will be named MTR-119872130 (if the serial number of my device is 119872130)
  6. Be sure to assign the profile to your MTR Devices group, and click Create to create the profile.


Add MTR devices to Autopilot List

Now that our profile is configured, let’s add our MTR to our list of Windows autopilot devices

We’re going to need to grab the device hash of our MTR device to import it into the Azure portal.

Note: Some manufacturers will supply you with a CSV file containing the device hashes that you can import into the Azure portal.

There’s two ways to do this.

If you already have an MTR up and running:
Run the following in PowerShell on the MTR

  1. New-Item -Type Directory -Path “C:\HWID”
  2. Set-Location -Path “C:\HWID”
  3. Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned
  4. Install-Script -Name Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo
  5. Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo -OutputFile AutoPilotHWID.csv

If you have a new MTR fresh out the box:
Power on the MTR and launch the OOBE. Press Shift+F10 to open the Powershell window over the top of the OOBE, then run the following:

  1. Set-ExecutionPolicy bypass
  2. Install-Script Get-WindowsAutoPilotInfo
  3.  (be sure to select Y for each prompt that appears).
  4. Get-WindowsAutoPoilotInfo -online

Once you have ran one of the above two options:

  1. Go to Devices > Windows > Windows Enrollment > Devices

    If you used the first method that generates the AutoPilotHWID.csv file, you can import this file using the Import button.

    If you used the fresh MTR out of the box method, you’ll see the MTR’s serial number listed (normally within 10 or so minutes).


The Autopilot Experience on the MTR

Once you have configured Autopilot and added your devices to the list, ensure your MTR is connected to the network via an Ethernet cable (This won’t work over Wi-Fi!), boot your MTR and allow it to go through the Out of Box Experience (OOBE).

Your MTR should automatically boot into the local Skype profile and prompt you for the Office 365 room account details. Depending on what configuration profiles and PowerShell scripts you’ve assigned to your MTR devices group, your device should also have applied custom wallpaper, an updated local admin password, Bitlocker enabled, Wi-fi details etc. It will also be automatically joined to Azure Active Directory and be renamed using your Autopilot device name settings.


Final Thoughts

And there you have it! A way of simplifying the out of box experience for your MTR devices to make the installation even simpler.

Feel free to leave your comments/questions below.


Be sure to check out the series of posts:

Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 1 – Theme
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 2 – Updates
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 3 – Configuration Profiles
Managing a Microsoft Teams Room (MTR) Device with Intune – Part 4 – Autopilot

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3 years ago

Thanks for the great post!

One thing I need to ask:
If I export the HWID from an up and running MTR system…how can I force the machine to boot into the OOBE again?
I imported the csv into Intune and assigned it to the necessary group. It always boots as designed into the Skype user. No Autopilot appears.

If I do the same with a fresh installation, everything works perfect!


Last edited 3 years ago by Norman
3 years ago
Reply to  Craig Chiffers

Similar issue, I have created all the associated deployment and configuration profiles. But when I do a reset (remove everything) the OS seems to miss the traditional OOBE screen you would expect after resetting windows 10 and go straight to login in as Administrator.

2 years ago
Reply to  Harry

I am seeing the same thing. Did you figure it our Harry?

3 years ago

Is Autopilot working for your rooms? I’ve just tested it and it’s breaking the autologon/app autostartup functions.

2 years ago
Reply to  Craig Chiffers

Same. The auto login breaks and gets stuck on the login page with Skype acct. no policies are being applied. Anyone figured this out?

2 years ago
Reply to  Craig Chiffers

just an update, it actually works! Skype local login is not broken

2 years ago
Reply to  Roger

How did you get this to work? We currently have a broken auto login with skype local login.

Stanislav Galchonkov
Stanislav Galchonkov
2 years ago
Reply to  Roger

I understand you can log in locally with .\Skype login name format after Intune enrollment. But have you figured out how to restore auto-login to that account after Intune enrollment?

Jon Nesovic
Jon Nesovic
2 years ago

I have followed all these steps, after the device is done with Autopilot it logs into the local Skype account, a powershell script pops up for one second then I just get a black screen. Teams never installs. I have to hit the Windows key 5 times to get to the admin profile. From there I can manually run C:\Rigel\x64\Scripts\Provisioning\FinalSetup.ps1 then reboot and everything works.

Anyone else running into a black screen after Autopilot? I am going to test out a win32 app with to run this FinalSetup.ps1 automatically but I would like to avoid it.

1 year ago

Awesome series of articles!
Is there any way to push the themes/ config updates without using Azure blob storage ?
Thanks !

1 year ago

AP is still not supported on MTRWs, I tried to follow these steps for a Surface Hub 3 (MTRW) and it does not present me with ESP after I reset to OOBE. It keeps going back to regular OOBE. Am I missing something? I created a profile, add the device to AP device list.. but it still does not work. Any ideas?